Pride Symposium: What's Next for LGBTQ+ Equality in HK
簡介 Overview
日期 Date:2024.6.15(星期六 Saturday)
時間 Time: 1-5:30pm
Venue: Kino, 1/F, Eaton HK
Language 語言:廣東話 Cantonese with English interpretation
In a subtle fashion, Hong Kong is advancing into a crucial period for LGBTQ+ rights. Are you fully informed about the transformative shifts taking place? Maybe you're still searching for the right way to deal with it? Now's the time to understand the far-reaching consequences of the shift. Not only does it signify evolving LGBTQ+ inclusivity policies within Hong Kong, but it also signals a trend that enterprises — from local businesses to multinational corporations — cannot afford to overlook.
講者介紹 Meet our Speakers

Sarina Cheung
演講主題: 為摰愛及彩虹未來作生活規劃
Speech title: Life Planning for Your Beloved and Rainbow Future
張天恩律師 (Sarina) 是 RKS 的顧問律師,專門從事有關遺產承辦及遺囑事宜(包括訂立、認證、執行及有關之訴訟)、信託成立及訴訟、精神健康等有關法律申請,還有提供遺產執行和訴訟服務。
在加入法律界之前,張律師曾在香港一家擁有高度良好信譽的信託及銀行擔任其遺囑管理部門主管,並在那裡累積了超過 10 年信託及遺產方面的執業經驗。她帶領她的團隊參與了一些大型的信託和遺囑管理工作,她對此範疇的專業、熱誠及謀略均得到了同事和客戶的充分信任。在 2018 年,她決定離開銀行的工作,向她的職業生涯邁出一大步,加入了一家專門為私人客戶提供服務的國際律師事務所,經兩年實習後取得了律師資格,再加入了 RKS 並成為其中一員。
Sarina is a consultant of RKS specializing in wills and probate, trust, mental health law and related applications and estate administration and litigation.
Prior to entering the legal industry, Sarina headed the Department of Probate Services in a well-established and reputable trust and banking corporation in Hong Kong and had accumulated over 10 years of experience there as a trust and estate practitioner. She led her team to involve in major trust and probate administrations and was well trusted by her peers and her clients as being professional, passionate, and strategic. In 2018, she made a big career move to be qualified as a lawyer. She was trained in an international law firm specializing in private clients, and stayed there for a year before moving to RKS.

Dr Ting-Fai Yu
演講主題: DEI實踐應對亞洲LGBTQ+社群挑戰的探討
Speech title: Addressing LGBTQ+ Community Challenges with DEI Practices in Asia
余庭煇博士是研究亞洲酷兒文化的學者,現身處荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,為Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study的院士。 他以質性研究為方法,一直關注東亞及東南亞華人同志社群的在地經驗,研究發表在多本具權威性的學術期刊。余博士亦是一位 DEI和跨文化專家,並曾在Logitech擔任首位負責亞太地區的DEI 專員。現在他管理Inclusive Routes Consulting,以研究實證為不同機構提供DEI服務。
Dr Ting-Fai Yu (he/him) is a scholar of queer and transnational Asia. Currently based in Amsterdam, he is a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences. His research uses ethnographic and qualitative methods to examine LGBTIQ+ lives and cultures across Chinese-speaking communities in East and Southeast Asia. He has published in field-shaping academic journals, such as Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and The Gerontologist.
In his other career, Dr Yu is a DEI and intercultural professional. He previously worked at Logitech as the first DEI specialist overseeing the Asia Pacific region. Now, he manages Inclusive Routes Consulting, a Vancouver-based business that uses research-informed, evidence-based approaches to support organizations at different stages of their DEI journeys.

Panel discussion 1: Cross-Industry Practices of DEI Customer Service

主題討論2:當沒有「婚姻」二字:性別小眾如何看待 同性結合框架?
Panel discussion 2: Same-Sex Partnership but not Marriage: Perspectives
贊助和合作夥伴 Sponsors and Partners
協辦 Co-organizer

Diamond Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Supporting Partner

*本研討會內容與以下永續發展目標(SDGs)有關:5 - 性別平權;10 -減少不平等
*This ymposiumaligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
5 - Gender Equality and SDG; 10 - Reduced Inequalities